  • 06 Apr 2020
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary


Access these items through using the description prefix. For example:

event_idstringLocal unique identifier assigned to this event.E124798
incident_numberstringLocal unique identifier assigned to this incident. This MUST be unique for all incidentsF01810100062
activebooleanActive incident flag. This field is automatically calculated.False
aidstringMutual aid status for the incident (given, received, none).mutual_aid_received
station_aidstringAid status for the incident (received_partially, none).received_partially
alarmsintegerThe number of alarms for the incident.1
prioritystring, nullIncident Priority for Incident category type.ALPHA
categorystring, nullIncident Category Definition type.EMS
response_classstringAgency defined class of callHazmat
risk_categorystringCategorized risk of call (High, Medium, Low, etc)High
typestringAgency incident type: typically type specific codeEMS-1STRESP
subtypestringLocal incident subtype, if available.UNCONSCIOUSNESS/FAINTING
actual_typestringThe actual/final type when event was closed, if available.611 - Dispatched and cancelled enroute
dispositionstringDisposition (outcome) of callALS Transfer, False
commentsstring, nullEvent comments, typically recorded in a CAD.LOI search completed at 10/10/18 13:55:46......
number_of_unitsnumberThe number of unique units assigned to this incident. This field is automatically calculated.3
extended_dataobjectObject used to store vendor-specific/non-standard data.
requirementsobjectObject used to store requirements for achieving ERF
resourcesobjectObject used to describe agency and apparatus resources used on the call
suppressedbooleanSuppressed flag. Set to true if any units on the incidents have suppressed data. See Working with NFORS data for details on suppression.False
suppressedTextstringReason(s) accompanying suppressed flag.Not suppressed

Date Helpers

hour_of_dayintegerThe hour of the day in local time, expressed as an integer between 0 and 23. This field is automatically calculated.13
day_of_weekstringThe full name of the day of the week in local time. This field is automatically calculated.Monday
month_of_yearstringThe month of year in local time. This field is automatically calculated.Januaray


psap_answer_timestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when the call for the incident was received by the PSAP, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
event_openedstringTimezone-aware date and time the call was opened in the CAD, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
first_unit_dispatchedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time for first unit dispatched, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string. This field is automatically calculated.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
first_unit_enroutestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time for first unit en-route, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string. This field is automatically calculated.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
first_unit_arrivedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time for first arriving unit, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string. This field is automatically calculated.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
effective_response_force_arrivedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time for the arrival of the minimum number of units to achieve effective response force, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string. This field is automatically calculated.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
air_monitoring_completestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when air monitoring was completed, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
command_establishedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when command was established, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
primary_search_completestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when primary search was completed, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
initial_building_entrystring, nullTimezone-aware date and time that initial entry was made into the structure, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
loi_search_completestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when the location of interest search completed, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
loss_stoppedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when loss stopped, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
ric_establishedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when the rapid intervention crew was established, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
secondary_search_completestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when secondary search was completed, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
fire_watch_initiatedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when a fire watch was initiated, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
utilities_securedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when utilities were secured, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
walk_around_completedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when walk around was completed, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
water_on_firestring, nullTimezone-aware date and time for water on fire, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
rehab_establishedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time when rehab was established, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00
event_closedstring, nullTimezone-aware date and time the call was closed in the CAD, expressed in as an ISO-8601 string.2018-10-10T13:58:21-04:00